CEE 2023 memory Based Questions
1.Human heart is myogenic due to presence of?
2.Mode of transmission of HIV.
3.Which is most stretchable tissue?
4.With the increase in temperature the young's modulus....?
5.Which is the protective tissue in human body?
6.Sunset is because of..
7.Which is the store house for Malarial parasite?
8.Louder sound in frog is due to?
9.The escape velocity of the earth is 11.2km/s.If the stone is projected making 50 with the horizontal,what will be the escape velocity?
10.Heaviest liquid is?
11.Semi autonomous nature of mitochondria is due to?
12.Explant is Sterilised by
13.Mother with ABO blood group B homozygous and father has blood group A unknown then the child may have..?
14.Teenager with depression anxiety is most likely to consume which drug
15.Where does the terminal position of septal nephridia open?
16. Ultrafiltration is due to
17.Dignigrate adaption is shown by which type of animals
18. Eustachian tube is absent in
19. PCR is invented by
20. Frog heart differ from human heart by
21. Extra copy of chromosomes is called
22. 1ev is equal to
23. Common name for nitrobenzene is
24. Person going at high altitude will have
25. Person walking with naked feet, which parasite is likely to attack...it was something like this...
26.Removal of oxygen is known as
28.No of diode in full wave rectifier
29. Eustachian valve is present in
30. Ecesis is
31. angular momentum dimensions
32.Depletion layer in pn junction diode is due to
CEE 2023 chemistry memory based pointed question!!
1. Apple ma hune acid
2. Rexn of ch3mgbr with ester
3. Teflon
4. X2y
5. 0.25 percent Naoh dehydration
6. Charring 7. Vat dyes indigo
8. Ch3Cn plus ch3mgbr ketone
9. Gaesous oxide so2
10. Fishy smell ph3
11. Used in semiconductor fullerene
12. phosphorescence white phosphorous
13. Calomel
14. Pig iron
15. Tollens reagent
16. Salicyladyhyde
17. Oil of mirabane Nitrobenzene
18. Heaviest liquid is 19. Removal of oxygen is known as
20. Oxidation no of Sulphur in H2S04
21. Iodine banne 22. Flowering ma use hune element
23. Maxm catenation property in
24. Lindlar catalyst
25. Is most acidic p nitrophenol
26. Has maxm pka value hcooh 27. Cinamic acid
28. Mass of oxygen that remains.after
the pipe is opened
29. Decarboxylation of aminoacid
30. 1 H1 ra gamma vako
31. On1 vako
32. Rate = kpko power 4 vako
33. In cement bleaching agent ma Nh3
34. Parts per million wala
35. Paracetamol reduce body
36. H2S law of constant proportion.
Botany question 2023
1. Sal and teak are found in
2. Explant sterilized by 3. Maximum diversity in terai region due to
4. Da
SEE Booster Dose Science
Hissan Pre-Board Questions
not applied prevention
5. Cross test resulting phenotype 1:1
6. Eceises
7. AaBbCcDdEE no of gametes 8. Part after secondary constricton in telomere
9. Open conjoint vascular bundle is
found in
10. Addition of chromosomes
11. Tracheophytes
12. Mitochondria is called
semiautonomous organelle due to
13. Epinasty
14. Lowest resemblance in classification
15. The person dies in well 16. Dna replication in
16 multiple alleslism
17. Crypto preservation
18. Grafting
19. Plant genetic engineering
20. Beer and wine
21. Pollination clistogamous
22. Genetic engineering
23. Stilt root develops from
24. Archaebacteria
25. Sexual classification given by
26. Absorption spectrum
27. Study of RNA and dna 28. Pataus syndrome
29. Which of them is incorrect bryo-
30. Protoplasm
31. Pcr discovered by 32. Bolting in plants
33. Major air pollutants
34. Seliqua develops from
35. Endosperm in angiosperms
36. Phloem fiber
37. Uracil present
38. Homozygous and heterozygous 39. Interconnected food chain
40. Genetic drift
CEE Physics 2023 memory based question point
1. Inner and outer dimension 2. Dimension of angular momentum.
3. change in viscocity in hot air 4. Change in young modulus on heating
5. Metacenter 6. Apparent frequency
7. Refractive index doesnot depend
8. Figure ma resistance
9. Figure ma magnetic field intensity 10. Minimum no of transistor in full
wave rectifier
11. Dark matter
12. Barrier potential is due to 13. Quark combination of antineutrino
14. Hubbles law
15. Amplification factor 16. Ratio of intensity quality 10 power
17. Ratio of amplitude
18. Same debroglie wavelength of electron and proton
19. Proton accelerated through 1 v
20. Sunset is because of 21. Spider web is
22. Escape velocity
23. Ratio of nuclear density 24. Ratio of maxm to minimum capacitance
25. Figure ma A and B move along... comment don't if you know
26. The shape of liquid miniscus
27. Atmospheric pressure at 100
28. Change in heat 1 cal From 1.46 to
46 degree
29. Temperature ko ratio 8 /3
30. At what height g becomes g/4
31. Planks constant
32. At saturation the photocurrent
depend upon
33. E prooortional to T ko power 4
34. Emf of a galvanometer 35. In a ac circuit v leads at .....
36. Emf nilalne emi bata
37. Drift velocity ko relation 38. Hard x ray
39. Defect of bohr
40. To make p type trivalent
41. An equiconvex lens with power.... 25 cm