Important Questions from Heavy Metals
Short Questions Pandey Blogspage
1) Copper (Cu), Silver (Ag) and Gold (Au) are elements of group IB which are also calledcoinage metals.
a) Why are they called coinage metals?
b) Write down the electronic configuration of Cu. What are its oxidation states?
c) Write the names of any two principle ores of Cu with formula.
d) Explain in short about the Carbon reduction process involved in the extraction of Cu.
e) Define the terms: i) copper matte ii) Blister copper
2) Copper is flesh pink coloured metal which is extensively used worldwidefor various purposes .
a) Write its electronic configuration.
b) Mention its melting and bolling point.
c) What happens when it is i) exposed to air ii) treated with conc. HNO,?
d) Write down the molecular formula and one use of each:
i) red oxide of Cu ii) Black oxide of copper.
3) Blue vitriol is hydrated copper sulphate.
a)What is it called in Nepali language?
b) How can you prepare blue vitriol starting from copper metal? solution?
c) What happens when blue vitriol is treated with ammonia
d) Write any two uses of blue vitriol.
4) Cu has been used for a long time in Nepal for various uses.
a) What is its Nepali name and color?
b) Write its electronic configuration.
c) Mention its two important uses.
d) Write the name and formula of any two alloy of copper.
5) Bessemer Converter is used for obtaining blister copper from copper matte.
a) What is the name of the process involved in it?
b) Write the various reactions involved in this process.
c) Why is blister copper called so?
d) What is the approximate purity of copper in blister copper?
6) The most common method of purification of copper is electrolytic refining of blister copper.
a) Which substances are used to make anode and cathode?
b) What are the two terms used for the impurities that are present below the anode?
c) Write the formula of the electrolytic solution used. d) Describe this process in short.
7) The green coloured layer can be observed on the surface of copper when it is exposed to air.
a) What is its formula?
b) Can dilute acid dissolve copper? Write the action of copper with Kl solution? c) Write the balanced chemical reaction when copper reacts with conc. HSO4.
d) Why is copper wire extensively used in electrical cables?
8) 'O' is an ore of metal 'M'. 'O' on roasting gives black precipitate 'B' of metal oxide which belongs to group II of basic radical in qualitative analysis. 'O' on smelting gives the metal 'M' and a gas as major byproducts. The gas when passed through an acidified K,CrO, solution, the solution turns green.
a) Identify the metal 'M'.
b) Write the reaction involved during roasting of 'O'.
c) Write the action of gas on acidified K,CrO,
d) Convert metal 'M' Into its vitriol.
9) Iron is the abundant metal of group VIII.
a) Write down its electronic configuration.
b) What are the common ores of iron?
c) Blast furnace is used for smelting during extraction of iron.
i) Draw a diagram for the Blast furnace indicating different regions.
ii) Write down the temperature range, function and reaction involved in different regions.
d) Write down any two uses of iron.
10) There are different commercial forms of iron which differ in carbon content.
a) What are those three different forms of iron? Mention their carbon percentage.
b) How is steel manufactured by the Open hearth process?
c) Mention any two important uses of steel.
11) Iron is one of the widely used heavy metals in the world which is not present in native form in earth's crust.
a) Mention any two important ores of iron.
b) Iron can be used to make steel for various purposes.
i) Discuss in short about the BOM with a suitable diagram.
ii) Write any two advantages of BOM.iii) Mention any two important applications of steel.
12) Iron is one of the widely used heavy metals having various applications.
a) Write its electronic configuration.
b) It forms rust when exposed to moisture.
i) Define electrochemical theory of rusting in brief.
ii) How is rusting prevented? Write any two methods for the prevention of rusting.
iii) What happens when iron is reacted with carbon monoxide?
13) 'X' is the chief ore of metal which is extracted to give pure metal spelter. During the extraction process, the ore is roasted at 900C that produces two major products (metal oxide 'A' and gas 'B').
a) Identify the chief ore of metal.
b) Write the reaction involved during roasting of the ore.
c) Write the reaction of the gas 'B' on acidified KMnO..
d) Write the reaction of metal oxide 'A' with NaOH.
e) Convert the metal into its vitriol.
14) Steel is one of the commercial forms of iron.
a) Write the composition of steel and stainless steel.
b) Discuss about the BOP for the manufacture of steel. Compare it with Open hearth process.
c) Write any two advantages of using pure oxygen than air for the manufacture of steel.
15) Rusting of iron is the main trouble in the iron economy.
a) Discuss about the electrochemical theory of rusting.
b) Mention any two prevention measures of rusting.
c) What is stainless steel? d) Why is such steel do not get rusted?
16) Blue vitriol is used in agriculture as a fungicide.
a) What is the formula of Bordeaux mixture that is used as fungicide in agriculture?
b) What happens when blue vitriol crystals are heated?
c) Write the reaction involved to prepare Schweitzer's reagent from copper sulphate?
d) What happens when copper sulphate reacts with KI?
17) Zinc is a d-block metal but doesn't exhibit common characteristics of transition elements.
a) Why is Zn called a non-typical transition element?
b) What are the common ores of Zn?
c) Discuss the extraction of Zn from Zinc blende in short.
18) Granulated zinc is used to prepare hydrogen gas in the laboratory.
a) What is granulated Zinc?
b) Write down the action of Zn with i) air ii) dil. HSO4 iii) very dilute HNO3.
c) Write any two important uses of Zn.
18) White vitriol is hydrated zinc sulphate which can be used as an eye lotion.
a) Write any two methods for the preparation of white vitriol.
b) White vitriol is efflorescent in nature. What does it mean?
c) Write down the action of heat on white vitriol.
d) How is lithopone formed? Write down its one important use.
19) Zinc on heating at about 500 degree celcius produces zinc oxide also known as Philosopher's wool.
a) Why is zinc oxide called Philosopher's wool?
b) How is white vitriol prepared using zinc oxide?
c) Mention any two uses of Zinc.
20) ZnSO..7HO is white shining crystal which is commonly called white vitriol.
a) Write the action of heat on white vitriol.
b) What happens when the equimolar solution of KSO. reacts with white vitriol? c) ZnSO. when treated with BaS forms a white paint. Mention the name and chemical formula of the paint formed.
d) Write any two important applications of white vitriol.
21) Though zinc is the last element of the first (3d) transition series, it is not regarded as a true transition element.
a) Why is it considered as a non typical transition element rather than a true transition element?
b) Explain the continuous vertical retort process for the reduction of ZnO with a well labeled diagram.
c) What happens when Zn is exposed to moist air?
d) Write one biological use of Zn.
22) Alchemist used the name Luna for Silver which means moon.
a) Write down the electronic configuration of Ag (Z = 47).
b) Write any two principal ores of Silver.
c) Explain in short about the extraction of Silver.
d) Write any two important uses of silver.
23) Silver is one of the widely used elements used for ornamental purposes. It is rarely found in native form in the earth's crust.
a) Write any two important ores of silver.
b) Hydrometallurgy is used for the extraction of silver. Write in short about the extraction of silver by the Cyanide process.
c) Write a balanced chemical equation representing the action of Ag with moderately conc. HNO3.
d) Why is Silver nitrate solution used as voter's ink?