Vue Js all important comands

 Project Creation:

vue create <project-name>: Creates a new Vue project using Vue CLI.

Development Server:

npm run serve: Compiles and hot-reloads the project for development.

npm run build: Compiles and minifies the project for production.

Vue CLI Service:

vue-cli-service serve: Starts the development server.

vue-cli-service build: Builds the project for production.

vue-cli-service inspect: Inspects the webpack config.

Project Maintenance:

npm install: Installs project dependencies based on the package.json file.

npm update: Updates project dependencies to their latest versions.

npm run lint: Lints and fixes files using ESLint.

npm run test: Runs unit tests.

Vue Component Generation:

vue generate <component-name>: Generates a new Vue component with a template, script, and style file.

vue generate <component-name> --functional: Generates a functional component.

vue generate <component-name> --no-styles: Generates a component without a separate style file.

Vue Router:

vue add router

npm install vue-router: Installs Vue Router in your project.

import { createRouter, createWebHistory } from 'vue-router': Importing Vue Router in your main.js file.

const router = createRouter({ ... }): Creating a router instance with routes and other configuration options.

router.push('/route-path'): Programmatically navigates to a specified route.

router-link: A component used to create links between routes in your templates.


npm install vuex: Installs VueX in your project.

import { createStore } from 'vuex': Importing VueX in your main.js file.

const store = createStore({ ... }): Creating a store instance with state, mutations, actions, and getters.

store.commit('mutationName', payload): Commits a mutation to modify the state.

store.dispatch('actionName', payload): Dispatches an action to perform asynchronous operations.

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